Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Holy cow! We leave tomorrow!

Yes, finally our travel plans are all set!

Flights booked~~~~~check
Hotel booked~~~~~~check
bags packed~~~~~~~check
nerves calm~~~~~~~not so much a check-I've got some butterflies in my tummy!

But I am sooooo ready to go. We leave bright and early in the morning (thanks Starla for the lift to TYS)...with a looooong layover in Newark. I mean loooonggggg-like 12 hours long. But hey, we're going to get Wei-Che so I just don't mind!

Our official Family Day is Monday the 26th. Can you say WOOOOHOOOOO!

We are so very excited! I found myself all day saying "this is the last time I'll be doing this...with one child, without Sammy Wei, as a Mama to just one, without 2 car seats..." I am so stinkin excited!

We will be posting from Taiwan with our handy dandy little netbook so I hope to be able to add photos as the week goes on. I know my Mom & Dad are just so excited to see their first grandson with us as well as the rest of our wonderful families, best friends and all my blog buddies that have been waiting this out with us...I can't wait to share the joy!

So I best get my good little travel mates (Adam & Simone of course) fed and to bed...
tiring work- this making a family of four!

Until I post again.....


Robin said...

I have goosebumps just reading your post. I am sooo excited for you. I mean really really excited for you:) I hope you have great flights to Taiwan. I will be checking in again and again to see where you are. I am anxiously awaiting your gotcha day pictures:) Safe travel.

couey2007 said...

I can still remember that night before we left. I kept thinking what am I forgetting. Had trouble sleeping..... If you forget anything you can buy in in Taiwan!
Make sure you take some gallon and quart ziplock bags. Great for diaper changes on the go and to put "stuff in"
Michelle C.

Terry said...

Holy cow! is RIGHT!! I am sooo excited for you!! I know that the road to this day has been a looooong one, but you are finally here and getting on that plane!!! Hugging the monitor for the best flight and happiest of times in Taiwan when your family becomes FOUR!! I will be checking everyday to make sure I follow all your adventures! Can't wait to see you holding your sweet baby boy!!!

Tonya said...

Congratulations!!!! Enjoy your trip! I remember my excitement so I know exactly how you feel. Have safe travels!!

Ann Coffey said...

OMG - AWESOME!!! Can't wait to meet the newest member of the family. I guess we'll miss you in Chinese class this week!!!! Have fun.

Lisa said...

OH, this will probably reach you in Taiwan!! Or maybe in the excited....beyond thrilled!! Checking in each day & sending prayers, wishes, hugs and much joy!!
You are probably flying right now to your littlest dumpling!! :)

Mark & Kris said...

WOOOOHOOOOO! As I am writing this you have already left. I am so excited for you all and can't wait to follow your blog and see Samuel with his forever family!!