Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Can you say....UPDATE DAY

Woohoo! It's update day again!

OK, the stats: 14.5 pounds and 24.23 inches. So he is growing! These were taken on July 29, so he was 5 & 1/2 months.

Think I'm even more head over heels in love with my dumpling than ever? Oh ya!

And we're wondering where his hair is? I swear he had some... Any guesses or ideas?

He looks so serious, I can't wait to see him to laugh!

The video really shows how much he has grown. Grammie has been waiting patiently for me to load this! Here you go Mom!

Now that we have our latest updates I am sooo much more ready to go pick him up and snuggle him! Our 10 days will be up on Monday the 24th, so maybe, just maybe the powers that be could hurry that final along.

I'm just saying...



Robin said...

Such a handsome boy. You are almost there. I will be thinking of you on Monday and hoping for news.

Lisa said...

OH Jen,

I'm hopping up & down here with this glorious update! And though its hard, I think having that First Ruling helps to ease the anxiety(and mixed emotions) of the updates...I can hear it in your "voice"; this part of the journey is nearing its end and absolutely the VERY best part is yet to come!

AND may I just say, that he is absolutely gorgeous and those eyes....incredible!!! He looks so wise, laid back and beyond sweet! Did I mention the cheeks?? Well let me tell ya, they are spectacular and I'm kinda an expert of those cheeks! ;)

You must be bursting with joy, love & pride and I can just imagine your lovely Simone and her excitement! Maybe he's gonna save his most radiant smiles for the 3 of you to witness in Taiwan!

Sending prayers that this may be your final update....that he's in your loving arms soon.

Thanks for sharing this slice of love with us my friend! He is an absolute precious doll through & through!!
Hugs! Lisa

Anonymous said...

How precious. I see some fuzz there and he does have a beautifully shaped head. He appears so alert. Just want to give him hugs and kisses all over and make him giggle!!! Thanks dear. Love you all.

Anne Marie said...

Wow, Jennifer, he is really beautiful and those eyes are somthing else! Sending all my positive energy for a final ruling soon :)

Missy said...

He is so handsome! I love watching his little toes wiggle :)

a Tonggu Momma said...

Oh, he's gorgeous! Praying that this is your final update and that you'll be traveling soon.

Terry said...

Yea Update Day!!! He is adorable!! I can understand how you feel about the wanting the wait to be over, C'mon final!! The hugs and kisses are building up and I'm sure that you can't wait to give them all to him!!
He is so alert, and active. I loved watching his little toes and legs wiggling! He probably has the best belly laugh and giggle going and he just didn't want to show it yet. I bet you tickle those little toes and he will laugh! :-)

I will be checking more often for the FINAL RULING update~ I bet you will hear something really, really soon!!