Now remember, we had been DTC (dossier to China) in July. And when all the July DTC referrals came out in mid January our agency did not receive any. We were very sad, but realized that there had to be a reason and we knew this was all out of our hands. We knew that when God was ready to match us to our daughter He would. I mean, she was our daughter already, right, so it all had to come together at the right moment.
Referrals back then were coming out usually once a month, 28-35 days apart, and a whole batch would come out at the same time. So we were not expecting "the call" on January 31, 2005, two weeks after the July referrals came out.
I was in a closing, being the end of the month it was technically our busiest day. My assistant came running in with my cell phone, and Adam was on the other line. The agency had told him "she's a beauty, bald as can be but very healthy looking and very cute". Well as you can see they were right! I think we all cried, even the people in my closing.. the buyer being an adoptive Mom herself! We had to wait to see the picture until later that night, they called everyone first and then loaded the pictures and medical info, so I had to spend the entire day enduring this excruciating wait. Then we got home and sat in front of the computer hitting the refresh button until the email came. What a wonderful first glimpse though...we were in heaven!
How many times did I stare at those photos during the wait to meet her...How many strangers did I show them to...How many dreams did I conjure up of how life would be once she was home...How many times did I say her name out loud, if only just to hear it out loud...Oh how I longed to have her in my arms! And best of all, now I wasn't just some odd ball "stalker" when I saw other families like "mine" in Target. I was officially one of them, and I would proudly display the pictures of my little sumo wrestler whether they asked to see her or not!
Four years ago today was one of the most magical and life altering of days, and we knew the minute we saw her that she belonged with us and we truly loved her from that instant. And two months later we finally met her! And oh what a joy life has been since then!
OK, and now back to baby #2... I am ready for that magical phone call!!! Hello up there??!!