We Went to Virginia/D.C. for the weekend to spend time with Adam's family. We had a great time with all the cousins getting together, along with some second cousins, so much fun! The kids were ages 3 to10 and all of them got along so well. The adults had a pretty great time too! We got to see some sights in the city on Friday, went to an outdoor fair on Saturday and enjoyed a relaxing (well sort of relaxing, there were 7 children, thankfully well behaved!) evening with dinner at Adam's Aunt's house. We finished up with brunch at the brother 's and back to TN by nightfall. Exausting but so much fun! J
You've been tagged, my friend. Go to my blog for the rules!
Oh, your weekend sounds glorious; I'm so glad you shared those precious pictures and moments with us!
I LOVE the carousel ( probably didn't spell that right! ugh! ) photo and ALL of your beautiful girls' expressions!
Family is so important & I can tell that you cherished that time all together!
Lisa C.
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