Friday, June 14, 2013

Soooooooooo Big!

Remember that game, when they were really quite little.  You'd  say "how big is baby?  How big.....Sooooooooo Big"  and the little dumpling would laugh and giggle and it was all so fun because they really were not that big.  They were still your little baby. 

Well, one day they do it to you.  They really do get sooooo big.  They grow so their head maybe reaches your shoulder, they can reach into the sink to wash their own dishes, they don't even need a booster seat!  And turn another year older.

Yup, my sweet little "first born" baby is turning nine years old today.  Nine!  I do not know where the time has flown to with her!  But I do know that she is one amazing and wonderful nine year old girl.  I am so proud of her and all the accomplishments, big and small, she's had in her 9 years.  She is a lovely girl, fun and spunky but serious and sweet.  She is my helper and my buddy.  

And on this day I feel so fortunate to be able to say Happy Birthday my dear daughter, my darling  QingLu!  My love for you is infinite and always will be!



Travelingtubie said...

Happy Birthday, Simone!!!

One More Makes Four said...

What a great blog! I too have a 9 year old little girl. :)

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