Saturday, May 11, 2013

Birth Mother's Day

So I had no idea there was a day set aside to remember Birth Mothers.  But there is and it is today - the day before Mother's Day.  It isn't on any calendars and it's not really a day of "celebration" in my opinion.
But it is a day to honor a life altering act, one that is painful and difficult for most, if not all, women who decide to place their baby for adoption.

And now that I know of it I'll take this opportunity to say a special  prayer of thanks to the three Birth Mothers that have changed my life completely.  Through the choice each of them made I have been able to grow up in a loving and amazing family, and I have been able to be Mom to the most incredible little beings in the world. 

I remember how difficult Mother's day was in the years before Simone came home.  I remember feeling such pain and anguish once when the clerk at the grocery store unknowingly wished me a Happy Mother Day with a big smile on her face.  I remember some of my friends celebrating being new Mom's and their first Mother's Day's, how I really had nothing to do besides calling my own Mother.   So even now in my joy of waking up to breakfast in bed, cards and flowers and a day of (somewhat) leisure with my kids I still have the remembrance of that pain.  And I often wonder if the three Birth Mothers I am forever indebted to have that very same pain.

If only I could tell them that on every day they are remembered, thought of, honored and thanked.   But for sure on this day I will give an extra prayer and I will give my two blessings an extra hug with their Birth Mothers in my heart.

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