Sunday, April 4, 2010

Beach Day!

Clearwater Beach...
The sand, the sun, the waves.

Wait, wait, wait....did I say "the sun"...cause that was one element missing on our chosen beach day.

Now I am by no means a beach lover-all that sand in your suit and the car, the swooping seagulls, the eyes stinging from salt and sunscreen...

But I had to see my two dumplings playing in the waves of Clearwater Beach. Especially after that "road trip" to get here! And the sun was hiding behind very nasty rain clouds. But we were troopers, and went to the beach anyway. And although my sweet babes didn't get to romp in the waves we did have fun on the cool playground. Poor Sammy was still not 100% back to his Bam-Bam self, but he managed to have some fun. And Simone...well she was having a blast romping in the sand and playing on the equipment.

Family photo...
even though we all had our coats on Simone was determined to wear her swimsuit. We were on the beach after all.

And where there are swings you will likely find Sammy Wei. He loves to swing! Here's Grampy pushing him.

And sweet determined to not let his toes touch the sand but so intrigued by the playground!

Sammy loves to climb as much as swing. Thankfully he is not a big climber in the house, but he loves to tackle the playground. Naturally Mama is always a step behind!

And I love slides and as well as my what could be better than both at once! Weeeeeee

And can you say night! We had the wonderful opportunity to meet up with some very dear friends and actually go out for a nice dinner! First time in...oh...almost a year! We got Sammy to sleep and snuck out. And Simone was just as happy with her grandparents whether we were present or not! It was a great time and reminded me of just how important good friends are! So glad we got the chance to meet up, and to have some "adult" time! Thanks Rick & Jules! And Simone was the photographer for this photo...good job, baby!
There are more photos to come! We also went to the zoo- a huge favorite for us all, and had some other playground fun.

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