I had my two sweet dumplings and got to travel "home" to Vermont to spend the holiday with my parents. The only down side was that Adam had to work, so he was not able to join us. The airplane trip was a bit hectic, me with two kids and a flight change in Philly. Thankfully I have the bestest travel companions and we made it pretty easily! I must say, Simone is such a great helper and made all the difference for traveling!
So below is a recap of our days in Vermont. We were busy, and yet never seemed to get anything accomplished...other than just hanging out and enjoying the company of each other! My parents were so excited to finally meet the newest grandchild and Sammy just fell in love with both of them! And of course Simone was in her glory, all that grandparent spoiling was just great for her!
Below are my two sweeties on Christmas morning. I love this pictures, it captures the newfound sibling love they have found for eachother!

And he had so much fun with the bedroom mirror. It was fully slobbered on by the time we left for home. He thought it was great to see himself and give lots of wet kisses to his mirror image!

And Santa left a note for Simone and Sammy after gobbling up all of the cookies and milk. Very impressive! Poppa wanted to leave Santa some celery and a diet soda since he looks like he may need to lose a few pounds....Simone promptly nixed that idea and Santa got just what he wanted!
And heres a family photo, just missing my dear hubby and my sis in-law since she was taking the picture! Next year it'll be all of us!
And I love this one of Grammie and Sammy. He was so happy to be in both their arms anytime they wanted to hold him!
And what girl doesn't have some straw glasses? Perfect for drinking a cold cup of milk, juice or even water. Pretty cool, huh?
And one of my favorite presents under the tree!

Christmas wouldn't be complete without the making of reindeet food too! Once again those deer got fed a very special treat made by two very special girls under the watchful instruction of one big elf!

The girls in matching nightgowns. Oh and in the picture is the other addition to our family...Cocoa the puppy! She was very cute and was quite taken with Sammy!

Christmas wouldn't be complete without the making of reindeet food too! Once again those deer got fed a very special treat made by two very special girls under the watchful instruction of one big elf!

The girls in matching nightgowns. Oh and in the picture is the other addition to our family...Cocoa the puppy! She was very cute and was quite taken with Sammy!

And in other exciting news, Sammy took his first steps in Vermont. He has been taking 3-5 steps at a time and is pleased as punch every time he goes a few feet. He'll be zooming around the house before we know it, YIKES!
I hope all of you had wonderful Christmas holidays and all of your wishes came true! I look forward to checking out all of my blog buddies posts to get a glimpse into their holidays too!
Christmas in Vermont is enchanting!!
AND I'm super impressed that you traveled with both munchkins all by yourself and understand very well that wish to be "home" for Christmas!
Your parents must still be missing those two darlings & you as well! I hope Adam can go the next time as I'm sure he was missed too!
AND your little man is walking ~ what a big boy he is! Such a big milestone and thrilling to see!
Sorry to hear that no "snow dudes" abounded :) but the Santa note was a classic! Celery and diet coke....giggle..... perish the thought!
AND your beautiful Simone can make even straw glasses look chic! LOL I think I like the looks of those glasses!
AND baby Sam.....OH, his little face just pulls me in! He always manages to look a bit mischevious and cherubic at the same time! AND he's just soooooooooooo beautiful too ~ what a heartbreaker he's gonna be!
Welcome home my friend! I was so happy to see this update and so happy to know your holidays were richly blessed!
Happy New Year! I can't wait to see where this next year takes your beautiful family!
Glad y'all had such a lovely Christmas and GO Sammy!
What a great Christmas! Sorry to hear that Adam wasn't able to go, maybe next time. The pictures look great! And you had a white Christmas too - I think there are still small piles outside here.
Simone is such a big help, and navigating your way thru an airport with two kids, great job mom!
Sammy is soooo cute!! I love the mirror picture and your 'gifts' under the tree are precious. He will be moving right along, soon.
Glad to hear you had a wonderful time and wishing all the best for the new year! We will have to catch up soon!
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