We've been just a busy household lately with lots of holiday preparations and plenty of sibling fun!
I honestly had some moments of doubt a month and a half ago that we would reach this point with the kids, it was an adjustment for us all,. But the closeness and enjoyment of each other I hoped for is definitely here! Don't get me wrong, Simone has been a great big sis and has been a big help but it hasn't been easy for her to have this 8 month old dropped into her family-her life. It has gotten so much better, the laughter and joy they have when interacting is bliss full to me! I know there will be plenty of moments of sibling rivalry, isn't that just part of being in a family...part of life's great lessons? So for now I am so grateful to have these two children, and look forward to them having each other in their lives. They are both just such wonders and joys to me!
So below is a quick recap of our latest days of sibling fun!
This is Sammy's typical smiling face. 
And we've been celebrating our holiday, Hanukkah, this week. Lucky ducks get both this and Christmas with my parents! Simone's favorite part is naturally the 8 nights of gifts. Here she's helping her brother with his gift. And naturally his favorite part were the boxes the toys came in!

And we've been celebrating our holiday, Hanukkah, this week. Lucky ducks get both this and Christmas with my parents! Simone's favorite part is naturally the 8 nights of gifts. Here she's helping her brother with his gift. And naturally his favorite part were the boxes the toys came in!

Simone with a prized Princess Barb. She was quite thrilled with this of course!

Sammy got a very cool truck for his gift. He was delighted and seemed to know exactly what it was and how to use it.

And now on to those good sibling vibes I've been talking about. Sammy loves hanging with Simone before she heads out to school. He cuddles with her on the couch and is just as happy as can be. I think she's pretty happy too!

And outside fun is a must when the weather is okay. Sammy has been handed down Simone's old baby swing and he's starting to enjoy it.

And Simone is the bestest pusher around...
1 comment:
Happy Hanukkah to you all!
This whole post should come with an extreme cuteness caution! I pretty much smiled throughout the entire reading and then of course had to zip back to enjoy the glorious pics a second (O.K. O.K....a third) time! :) Yep, Scott thinks I'm crazy, grinning like a loon at the computer screen!
Jen, your kids are simply gorgeous! And when they are together? Stunning!!!
LOVE LOVE that cuddle shot on the sofa and LOVE hearing your Mama joy in each & every heartfelt word!
Thanks for sharing your slice of heaven with us!!
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